10 events found.
Scientific and Engineering Unit Tentative Agreement Zoom Mtg
ZoomZoom meeting login information was emailed to members the evening of Tuesday, October 15th.
Scientific and Engineering Unit Tentative Agreement Zoom Mtg.
ZoomThe Zoom login information was emailed to members the evening of Tuesday, October 15th.
Technical Unit Tentative Agreement Zoom Mtg
ZoomThe Zoom login information was emailed to members the afternoon of Tuesday, October 15th.
Technical Unit Tentative Agreement Zoom Mtg.
ZoomThe Zoom login information was emailed to members the afternoon of Tuesday, October 15th.
HSS Unit Ratification Member Meeting
ZoomLog in information sent via email.
Scientific and Engineering Unit Tentative Agreement Zoom Mtg.
ZoomZoom meeting login information was emailed to members Friday, October 18th.
Scientific and Engineering Unit Tentative Agreement Zoom Mtg
ZoomZoom meeting login information was emailed to members Friday, October 18th.
Technical Unit Tentative Agreement Zoom Mtg.
ZoomThe Zoom login information was emailed to members the afternoon of Tuesday, October 15th.